On this page you'll find the necessary help in case you experience problems working with Don't Forget It..!
On the page 'Account details' you're able to modify or complete your personal data.
Via the 'Calender' page one can input appointments and occupations that are shown or are to be shown (depending the earlier made settings).
In 'Logo management' logo's and photos often used, can be selected for adding to the appointments.
In 'Photo management' photos can uploaded and provided with additional text. These photos can be shown on a specific day or during a period and one can select a maximum of three photos that will be randomly selected from you photo album. This to keep the attraction of the caretaker to the appointments and events.
In 'User management' one can invite other carers to make use of the Don't Forget It..! system and add, modify or delete events based on the selection of the administratot, i.e. you.
Finally in the page 'Device manager' you can input the specifications of your digital photo frame; as well as the settings relating the calender items.
If you don't know (anymore) how to put an appoitment into the Don't Forget It..! system, here you can see an instruction film 'Insert appointment'.